What is Financial Planning in details  - Jack Finances


  Financial planning is the most important thing in personal finances. If you want to manage all your money problem then you need to do your financial planning accurately and make a list of thing which is important and which is not. 
 For that, you need to make proper budge of your investment plans, saving, and Expenses. But first, you need to know what is  Financial planning and how it be done.

Here I will gonna tell you in detail about what is financial planning and how you gonna apply in your life.


 Financial Planning is the way toward meeting your life objectives through a deliberate and restrained arrangement of your personal finances.

  Financial planning is the task of deciding how to manage your money and how a business will stand to accomplish its key objectives and targets. Generally, an organization makes a Financial Plan following the vision and targets have been set.

In Financial planning, you need to know more about how to invest tax-free? Why Insurances is important for a family in financial planning and at the last but not least your Retirement plan.

 Basic of  Financial Planning:- 

 1- Insurances:- 

    Insurance is utilized to shield from Financial loss. It is as the risk the board. Insurance help individuals from various types of individual harm. for example, medical coverage is utilized for clinical use or any close to home harm utilized. 

Instructive protection is utilized for the future investigation of your kids, vehicle protection is utilized for vehicle harm. Protection is the sheltered side to put resources into your life, health, education, and so forth.

 Investment in Health insurance is a must. For example, if you are the only person whos earning in the house then Health insurance is the best option for you.

Investment in Health Insurance and Life insurance will help you when you meet with an accident then it will help you with the medical fees and if you do not invest in health insurance then in the future it will cause you a serious problem.

So Just think positively and start investing in your health insurance it will secure you and your family in a bad time.

2-Money Management:- 

       What is money management? and why it is vital personal finances. In financial planning, personal finances if an important part of your life.

So the How to manage your money this I already told in my previous blog. But Once again I will tell you that makes a rule of 50% -30% -20% this is the rule of money management 

First,  50% is used for your basic needs, 30% is used for the want and the rest of 20% is for saving and investment. This rule will help you with money management.

3-Retirement Planning:-

 Retirement planning is a procedure of defining retirement salary objectives and tailing them with the activities important to accomplish those equivalent objectives. 

A simple general guideline says that you'll have to recharge 70% to 90% of your pre-retirement salary to lead a decent resigned life. This implies in case you're making ₹ 70,000 per month before charges, you may require ₹ 49,000 to ₹ 63,000 per month in retirement pay in order to appreciate a similar way of life you had before retirement. For instance, on the off chance that someone intends to resign in the next 15 years, at that point retirement arranging would need to incorporate making a framework to really produce ₹ 49,000-63,000 every month payment from the year 2034 when they resign. 

On the off chance that you are focusing on 70% of your pre-retirement salary for post-retirement use, at that point, you have to spare, yet additionally, contribute appropriately. This would mean putting resources into exceptional yield resources with the goal that your reserve funds develop at a quicker rate

Tip:-[If you start with the small Saving then you will make a big very soon but if you do not start your saving then you will be broke for the lifetime.]

FAQ of Financial Planning:-

  1:- What is the best Financial Planning?

Before starting the arrangement it is important to have a fixed stable pay so you can design as needs be. The best money related arrangement is consistently to continue contributing. One extraordinary budgetary tip is to just put cash into stocks, securities, and shared assets and let the enchantment of intensifying accomplish its work.

2:- What are the 7 key components of Financial Planning?

7 key components of Financial planning is:-


3:-What are types of Financial Planning?

 A short term financial arrangement is set up for the most extreme one year. This arrangement takes care of the working capital needs of the organization. 

A medium-term money related arrangement is set up for a time of one to five years. 

A long term monetary arrangement is set up for a time of over five years.


 4:- What is Financial Planning and analysis?

 Financial planning arranging and examination is a gathering inside an organization's account association that gives senior administration a conjecture of the organization's benefit and misfortune and working execution for the forthcoming quarter and year.    

5:- What are the Objectives of Financial Planning?

 The principle goal of money related arranging is that adequate assets ought to be accessible in the organization for various purposes, for example, for the acquisition of long term resources, to meet everyday costs, and so forth. It guarantees the convenient accessibility of funds.

6:-What is the importance of Financial Planning?

Financial planning arranging is a bit by bit way to deal with meet one's life objectives. A Financial plan arrangement goes about as a guide as you experience life's excursion. Basically, it encourages you to be in charge of your salary, costs, and speculations to such an extent that you can deal with your cash and accomplish your objectives.


  1. Frankly, I hate insurance. They suck up my money with very restricted conditions for me to apply when bad things happen. Ever since then, I prefer to save my money at bank with interest.

    Belle Hussin
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    1. Yaaa but health insurance is always better than in saving in bank

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